Bio Eva Eng


I hold a Ph.D. in Social Policy with over 12 years of experience in policy analysis, evaluation, and advice focusing on social, health, and gender policy in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP).

I research and write about: Health Policies, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Adolescent´s pregnancy. Child marriage and Gender Based Violence.

I was born in Argentina, I lived 8 years in Brazil and I have been living in Spain for the last 6 years.

In the last 12 years, I have worked as consultant-researcher for: Governments (Health Ministries), International Organizations, NGOs, private organizations and academic institutions in: 

-Policy analysis and evaluation.

-Elaboration of recommendations for advocacy and design of evidence-based strategies

-Qualitative research (Desk review. Participatory methodologies- interviews and Focus groups- Ex post -evaluations. Experts groups, Delphy) Survey design. 

-Programme management experience (project design, proposal development, monitoring and coordination.


Currently I am Adjunct Professor at the Social Science Department of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and  consultant for different organizations in Spain and in Latin America and the Caribbean.

I hold a Ph.D. in Social Policy with over 12 years of experience in policy analysis, evaluation, and advice focusing on social, health, and gender policy in Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and African Portuguese Speaking Countries (PALOP).

I research and write about: Health Policies, Sexual and Reproductive Health. Adolescent´s pregnancy. Child marriage and Gender Based Violence.

I was born in Argentina, I lived 8 years in Brazil and I have been living in Spain for the last 6 years.

In the last 12 years, I have worked as consultant-researcher for: Governments (Health Ministries), International Organizations, NGOs, private organizations and academic institutions in: 

-Policy analysis and evaluation.

-Elaboration of recommendations for advocacy and design of evidence-based strategies

-Qualitative research (Desk review. Participatory methodologies- interviews and Focus groups- Ex post -evaluations. Experts groups, Delphy) Survey design. 

-Programme management experience (project design, proposal development, monitoring and coordination.


Currently I am Adjunct Professor at the Social Science Department of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and  consultant for different organizations in Spain and in Latin America and the Caribbean.

My thematic expertise:

Systems and health
policies (access)
Sexual and Reproductive Health
(contraceptives, adolescent’s
pregnancy, abortion)
Gender Based Violence and Child marriage

As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been analyzing the possible impacts of the health crisis on teenage pregnancy and child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean. Also the impacts of the pandemic on gender-based violence, especially on migrant women living in Spain.


PhD in Social Policy Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil), with visiting stay at Universidad de Salamanca, Social Science Programme. Spain. 

Master in Public Health. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. ENSP-FIOCRUZ, RJ Brazil.

Postgraduate Degree in Public Policies. IUPERJ. RJ, Brazil.

B.A in Political Science. UCA, Argentina.

I am fluent in Spanish (native), English (C1) and Portuguese (C1).