

Good practices in the implementation of commissions for reproductive health in Latin America and the Caribbean.  United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO) 2022

Assessing access to health services and medicines in Madrid. Farmamundi, Madrid, Spain. 2021-2022

Gender-based violence against women in emergency contexts: the response to the COVID-19 crisis in Spain. Unión de Asociaciones Familiares (UNAF). Madrid, Spain. 2021


Analysis, quantification and costing of child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO). 2021

Mapping psychosexual care services (with gender and intercultural approaches) in Spain. Unión de Asociaciones Familiares (UNAF). Madrid, Spain. 2020-2021

Analysing the impact of COVID19 in adolescent´s pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO). Panama.  2020.

Systematisation of evidence on the socio- economic consequences of teenage pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO). Panama. 2019-2020

Science for Patients (about access to medicines and the R&D model in Spain) Barcelona Institute for Global Health- ISGlobal. Madrid, Spain. 2017-2019.

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