

Public-private relations in health systems in Latin America: The Argentinean case. FIOCRUZ, 2023/2024

Gender Based Violence in the public transportation in El Salvador (CARI – Central America Regional Initiative- Stabilization and Transitions). CREATIVE Associates International/USAID, 2023/2024

Investment Case Development for UNFPA’s first transformational goal in Dominican Republic. UNFPA Dominican Republic, 2024

Investment Case Development for UNFPA’s first transformational goal in Brazil. UNFPA Brazil, 2023

Good practices in the implementation of commissions for reproductive health in Latin America and the Caribbean. UNFPA LACRO, 2022

Assessing access to health services and medicines in Madrid. Farmamundi, Madrid, Spain. 2021-2022

Gender-based violence against women in emergency contexts: the response to the COVID-19 crisis in Spain. Unión de Asociaciones Familiares (UNAF). Madrid, Spain. 2021


Analysis, quantification and costing of child marriage in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO). 2021

Mapping psychosexual care services (with gender and intercultural approaches) in Spain. Unión de Asociaciones Familiares (UNAF). Madrid, Spain. 2020-2021

Analysing the impact of COVID19 in adolescent´s pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO). Panama.  2020.

Systematisation of evidence on the socio- economic consequences of teenage pregnancy in Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations Population Fund – Regional Office Latin America and the Caribbean (UNFPA-LACRO). Panama. 2019-2020

Science for Patients (about access to medicines and the R&D model in Spain) Barcelona Institute for Global Health- ISGlobal. Madrid, Spain. 2017-2019.